
Jesus Christus spricht:

„Geht hin in die ganze Welt und predigt das Evangelium der ganzen Schöpfung.“ Die Bibel (Markus 16 Vers 15)

„Denn so sehr hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht verloren gehe, sondern ewiges Leben habe.“ Die Bibel (Johannes 3 Vers 16)

Bei Thom Cunningham habe ich einmal den Satz gehört "Let us be His last command our first concern!". Das heißt soviel, wie laßt uns den letzten Befehl unseres Herrn zu unserem ganz persönlichen Erstanliegen werden.

In den Evangelien und der Apostelgeschichte gibt es jeweils eine Aussage zu diesem größten Befehl. Jede Aussage ist ein bisschen anders. Warum ist das so?

Schauen wir uns auf der folgenden Seite

"Denn »wer den Namen des Herrn anrufen wird, der soll gerettet werden«. Wie sollen sie ihn aber anrufen, wenn sie nicht an ihn glauben? Wie sollen sie aber glauben, wenn sie nichts von ihm gehört haben? Wie sollen sie aber hören ohne Prediger? Wie sollen sie aber predigen, wenn sie nicht ausgesandt werden?"  (Römer 10,13-15a)

Think About It from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.

TV-Magazin "weltweit - am Leben dran"

What's the Difference between Evangelism and Mission?

This is a question often asked of those involved in mission, and the response is often given in terms of where it happens. On this occassion, the question landed on the desk of Paul Adams, senior pastor of Banstead Baptist Church. Paul tells us how he responded and what, in his mind, are the real Biblical definitions to be grappled with.
Go to www.oscar.org.uk/oscaractive/articles/adams.htm

WAYUMI - Your adventure into tribal missions from New Tribes Mission on Vimeo.

Brian and Bailey Pruett are serving with NTM Aviation in the Philippines. Watch this wonderful short video showing three tricky airstrips and a breathtaking view.

"During an extremely busy flight schedule we received word that two patients were critically ill in the Banwaon tribe. This is the video of my flight to take one of the patients to the hospital. It’s a pretty typical flight during this time of year and without a doubt, I feel relief when I get to do the easy part of the flight…land the airplane. Negotiating weather is far and away the most difficult part of flying here as you can see from the video." says Brian Pruett If you want to read the story behind this flight you can read the article Here.

Africa Inland Mission's TIMO Program: Training New Missionaries, and Reaching Africa's Least-reached Peoples

Think About It from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.

Tumaini Means Hope from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.

The Mwani people are an unreached people group of Northern, coastal Mozambique. This video shows their way of life and the work that is happening there to reach them with the gospel of Christ.

Mwani from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.

A video about the heart of AIM AIR's ministry. (www.aimair.org) "This church represents what God is doing all over Africa - joined by countless missionaries like myself, in countless places, where a little strip of dirt set beside a remote village provides an open door to bringing help, and the Good News of Jesus Christ, to a people in need."

Four Stories, One Heart from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.

Journey into the heart of Africa, into four countries aching for hope. Move Against the Fear  is a video journal of a two-week safari made by AIM leaders into Sudan, Chad, DR Congo and Central African Republic. Together they explored opportunities to partner with the local churches, and gained a deeper understanding of the incredible needs in these hard and far-off lands.

Move Against the Fear from AIM On-Field Media on Vimeo.


Benjamin und Alwina Hansen - (New Tribes Mission, Papua New Guinea)

Gero Gringmuth - (Mission Aviation Fellowship, Kenya)

Marc und Irma Menne - (New Tribes Mission, Papua New Guinea)

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radio HCJB e.V. - (Vozandes Media, Ecuador)

NTM-D Büro Scheideweg - (New Tribes Mission, Deutschland)

Diospi Suyana e.V.

Jesus-Bruderschaft Kloster Volkenroda e.V.

Deutscher Frauen Missions Gebets Bund e. V.


France pour Christ

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